Grouping parts

You can group parts together and then set the quantity for the group of parts instead of setting the quantity of each part. For ex.: you enter the parts for a unit consisting of 10 individual parts. If you need 5 copies of that unit it may be difficult to compute how many parts do you need in total. By grouping the 10 parts together you can simply set the group quantity to 5 and the program will automatically compute the total quantity of required parts.
The initial parts quantity per unit is not changed so you can anytime ungroup the parts or simply set another quantity for the group.

The "Group" column can be easily disabled from the "View -> Columns" menu by unchecking its corresponding menu item. You can change the order of the "Group" column (i.e. to bring it next to the "Qty." field) from the Display options section in Settings window. Select Options->Settings from the main menu to bring up the settings dialog or click the "Settings" button from the buttons bar.

To group parts select "Parts -> Group..." or click the "Group" button from the buttons bar.


The "Group" menu functions are described below:
  • Group part - will add the currently selected (not checked) part to the specified group. If there is no defined group a new untitled group is automatically created by the program.

  • Group checked parts - will add all checked (their checkbox is enabled) parts to the specified group. If there is no defined group a new untitled group is automatically created by the program.

  • Ungroup part - will remove the currently selected part from the specified group.

  • Ungroup checked parts - will remove all checked parts from the specified group.

  • Group properties - allows you to set the group name and quantity. When you change the group quantity, the new total for the grouped parts is displayed in the "Group" column while the initial part quantity is kept in the "Qty." column. In the image below, on the first row, "Group 1" is the name of the group, 40 is the total parts quantity while (x5) indicates the group quantity.