Display options

In the "Display options" section you can set generic display preferences for both screen and printer.

  • Print full border for tables - if checked, full table border is printed. If unchecked, tables are printed using a clear style, rows being separated by a horizontal line.

  • Display parts quantity status bar - show/hide the "Parts quantity status bar". This status bar is situated in the "Panels and parts" area, above the parts grid. It displays the total of parts entered so far. This can be useful for users of Smart2DCutting Free (30 parts), Smart2DCutting (100 parts), Smart2DCutting (1.000 parts) and Smart2DCutting (10.000 parts)

  • Currency - shows the local (system) currency format currently in use. To configure currency settings click the "Settings" button. The "Regional and Language Options" dialog will open. Next, you can simply select your country from the drop-down list or click the "Customize" button to manually adjust the settings. Make sure you click the "Apply" button to confirm the changes.
    This currency is different from the 3 predefined currencies available within the program.
    Please note that changing the currency will NOT perform any currency conversion.

  • Edge names - there are 5 different naming alternatives for parts edges which can be selected from the drop-down list. The edge names will be applied to all edge bands and margins.

  • Columns Order - allows to change the order of columns in the grids. By default the columns order is: Description, Length, Width, Qty, Material etc. To change the order of a column select it and click the "Up" or "Down" buttons to move the column up or down in the list. Click the "Save" button to close the settings dialog window and to save the change.
    Certain columns can be disabled by unchecking their corresponding checkbox in the "Columns Order" grid. A disabled column will not appear in the program anymore until it is checked again. This can be helpful for users who do not need the extra fields like Rotate, Part code, Notes, Edge banding or Works.
    The main columns: Description, Length, Qty, Material are required by the program to work and can not be disabled.