1. Panels and Parts
The input procedure is very simple and is optimized for
quick data input. Once entered, data can be modified in
the panels/parts list.
2. Cutting layout Smart2DCutting uses a powerfull engine to generate
the most optimized cutting layouts, providing for maximum
material yield.
3. Cost calculation report
The cost calculation report displays information about
the costs for needed panels and bands as well as operational
costs for parts and material cutting.
4. Cutting report
The cutting report displays information about the panels,
parts and offcuts contained in the cutting layout.
5. Labels
Smart2DCutting allows to print labels that include parts,
panels and reusable offcuts information.
6. Stoc management
The stoc management system helps you to keep track of
used panels, reusable offcuts and used bands.
7. Materials
Smart2DCutting manages different material panels and
parts based on the material field.
The "Materials" window allows to define the
saw kerf thicknes, default band type, material price,
cutting price and minimum reusable offcuts values for
each material type.