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WoodWeb An extensive, always-growing collection of woodworking articles from wood industry magazines and experts, and the best discussions from our Interactive Forums, arranged in categories.
Woodworking.com The web's most complete resource center for woodworkers.
Wood Bin WoodBin features woodworking software, woodworking reference information, and other woodworking "stuff". Here, you will find online woodworking calculators and utilities, an extensive list of woodworking software in 20+ categories, software reviews, a woodworking software FAQ, wood properties, furniture design tips and standards, a plan gallery, books, woodworking supplies, and links to lots of other cool woodworking sites.
Woodwork Zone FREE Plans, 1000's of Woodworking Resources, Plus, shopping for Furniture Legs, Hardware, Plans, and Tools. To get it all, "Get in The ZONE!"
Woodcraft Plans The place to find hundreds of woodworking plans.
Better Woodworking Helping you to be a better woodworker with instant access to the information, tools and supplies you need.
Woodworker's Journal Woodworker’s Journal is “The Voice of the Woodworking Community.” Six times a year, Woodworker’s Journal offers a balanced editorial approach, combining reviews of new tools and techniques with a broad cross section of projects.
WoodNet Woodworking Tips, Techniques, Tool Reviews, Plans and Supplies for Woodworkers. All from the editors of three of the most respected woodworking magazines around: Woodsmith, ShopNotes, and Workbench
CanadianWoodworking.com Canada's Woodworking Magazine
WOOD Magazine WOOD magazine speaks to readers of all skill levels, from the novice to the fine craftsman, presenting a magazine that is unsurpassed in quality and scope. As the leader in its field, WOOD prides itself on its comprehensiveness. Whether in innovative project plans, expert skill-building techniques or straightforward product reviews, WOOD's attention to detail and its shop-tested, triple-checked approach is unmatched.
Woodworking Resources Great resources to get your kids interested in carpentry and wood working
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