About parts limit and registration levels

There are 4 levels of registration. The parts limit per job can be increased to 100, 1.000, 10.000 or to Unlimited, depending on which license you purchase.

The parts limit allowed by each registration level means the total quantity of parts that can be optimized at once per job. For example, the 1.000 parts license will allow for a maximum of 1.000 parts to be optimized in every given job. You can have several jobs with 1.000 parts or less, but in every single job the parts limit would be 1.000. That is, you can have 100 or more jobs, each one consisting of 1.000 parts, but none can have 1.001 or more parts. You can enter as many parts you wish in a job but the optimization engine will complain if the parts quantity is higher than the maximum parts quantity allowed by the license in use.

The parts represents the pieces that are to be cut from the source sources or boards. For example, if you have the following parts list

Material Length Quantity
PVC Pipe 450 mm  10
PVC Pipe 534 mm  20
PVC Pipe 576 mm  16
PVC Pipe 518 mm  3
Total quantity:  49

The total quantity of parts would be: 10 + 20 + 16 + 3 = 49. The total quantity is the sum of all parts quantity in the current job.
In the "Sources and Parts" section, above the parts grid, there is a "Parts qty status bar" that displays the total quantity of the parts for the currently selected job.
If the parts quantity goes above the parts limit allowed by the license, the status bar becomes red.