Import stock data from CSV files

To import stock data from a CSV file click the "Import" button from the buttons bar.

A new window showing the content of the CSV file will open:

  • Field delimiters - specifies the character used as a field delimiter: comma (,), semicolon (;), tab, space or other. Please click the "Refresh" button after changing a field delimiter.

  • Start importing at row number - specifies the row number at which to start importing data. This is useful if the first row in the CSV file contains column headers. By setting the start row to 2 the column headers will be skipped. Smart1DCutting will recognize column headers and skip them if the column names are identical with those used by the program. Please click the "Refresh" button after changing the starting row number.

To change the name of a particular column in order to match its data click the column header to open the "Available fields" popup window:

Select a new name for the column and click "OK". To prevent a column from being imported set its name to "None".