Using the Cutting Layout

Working with the Cutting Layout actually involves 3 actions: interpreting, loading/saving and printing the cutting layouts.

  • Interpreting the Cutting Layout
    The cutting layout is made up of one or more layouts or pages. Each page contains the cutting layout for an individual source from the Sources list. If more sources have the same cutting layout, still only one layout is displayed, but the multiplication factor is incremented for each source. This means that a cutting layout having a multiplication factor of 3 actually represents 3 sources with the same length and material but also with the same number and disposition of parts on them.

    Parts and offcuts from every cutting layout are identified by an ID number. Parts ID number (identification number) is an ordinary number (e.g. "3") and is in fact the part No. in the Parts grid. Offcuts ID number is made up of an 'R' and an ordinary number (e.g. "R3").
  • Loading and saving the Cutting Layout
    The cutting layout can be saved to a file and reused later. By loading a previously saved cutting layout there is no need to run optimization. To load/save the cutting layout use the "Load" and "Save" buttons from the buttons bar.

  • Exporting the Cutting Layout to TXT file

    The cutting layout can be saved to a plain text file in order to further process it using other software applications. To save the cutting layout as a .txt file click the "Save" button and select "Text file" from the "Save as type" drop-down box. Cutting layouts saved as TXT files can not be loaded back into Smart2DCutting.

    The text file has the following format:
              A|1790|PVC Pipe|PVC Pipe source
              B|1500|0|Sample part 3
    The sources line always start with the letter 'A' and the other columns are: Length, Material, Description, Note, Type (0=source, 1=offcut).
    The parts line always start with the letter 'B' and the other columns are: Length, Left, Description, Note.
    The offcuts line always start with the letter 'C' and the other columns are: Length, Left, Description.

    The values in the length column are in mm and they represent the length of the part.
    The values in the left column are in mm and they represent the horizontal (X) offset of the part from the left side of the source.

  • Exporting the Cutting Layout to XML file

    The cutting layout can be saved to XML file format in order to further process it using other software applications. To save the cutting layout as .xml file click the "Save" button and select "XML files" from the "Save as type" drop-down box. Cutting layouts saved as XML files can not be loaded back into Smart2DCutting.
  • Printing the Cutting Layout
    The cutting layout is displayed on the screen and is looking pretty good. But it's more useful if you can have it on paper. To print the Cutting Layout click the "Print" button from the buttons bar. You can select to print all pages or just some of them.