
In the "Optimization" section you can configure optimization related settings.

  • Repeat layout when usage is at least XX % - when checked, the optimization engine will try to repeat a cutting layout if the usage on that layout is at least the value specified. Please note that checking this box will not guarantee that the layout will be repeated. There must be enough parts and sources left for at least another identical layout. Values lower than 90% are not recommended.

  • Give priority to offcuts when usage on offcuts is at least XX % - when checked, the optimization engine will give priority to offcuts when choosing the best coverage. For ex. if this option is set to 50% and the usage is 50% on an offcut and 80% on a new source, the offcut will be selected for that layout even f the coverage on it is smaller than on the new source. This way you can force the program to optimize offcuts before "touching" the new sources.

  • Optimize only sources available in stock - when checked, the optimization engine wil check the stock for the availability of each source. Sources not found in stock will be disabled and marked with red color, while sources found in stock but with insufficient qty will be marked with blue color and their qty will be reduced to the available qty in stock. Use this option if you want to make sure you have in stock all the needed materials before starting to cut something.

  • Group layouts with parts of equal sizes but different part numbers - when checked, the optimization engine will try to group parts of identical length (but different part number) on the same layout page, in order to reduce the page count of the cutting layout. Although the source usage is the same, this option may be of help when the only difference between parts with identical sizes is their part number (i.e. description and part code is not used).
    Please note that if your job contains parts with equal sizes but different description or partcode and you check this option, the cutting layout will display the description and partcode of only one of the grouped parts.

Saw width
  • Unique / Global value - use this option to set the same saw width for all material types.
  • Per material value - use this option to set different saw widths for each material type. This can be usefull if you would like to generate cutting layouts for many different materials (.i.e. PVC Pipes and Steel Pipes). To configure the saw width for each material click the "Settings" button to open the Materials window.