Edit Bands

To edit bands select Edit->Band types... from the application main menu.

A new window showing the existing bands and their options will open:

Edge bands represent the material that is to be aplied on the parts edges. Edge bands are represented with a colored line in the program but in practice can be anything from adhesive tape to rubber, wood or plastic bands.

Currency   - to change the currency of the price select its field and choose a new currency from the currencies drop-down list.
Mark   - the mark is a short name of the band. It is used on cutting layouts and in reports, where the displaying space is limited. It is recommended to keep the mark short, max. 4-5 characters.
Name   - the name of the band. It appears in the bands selection drop-down lists.
Color   - the color of the band line on the cutting layout. Different band types should have different colors for easier identification on the cutting layout.
Price   - the price of the band, per length unit. It can be defined per meter, inch or feet. It is used for cost calculation.
Overhang   - the part of the band that "goes" beyond the length of the part. For ex.: if the part length is 250 mm and the band needs to be with 5 mm longer at both ends, then the band would be 260 mm in length and its overhang would be 10 mm (2 x 5 mm).

- the thickness of the band, if higher than 0, will be deducted from the part length or width. For ex.: if the part length is 250 mm and a 1 mm thickness band is applied on its left & right side (or on its "widths") the part final length will be 248 mm.
To prevent the deduction of band thickness set the "Thickness" value to 0.

Description   - the description of the band. This field doesn't appear anywhere else in the program.

Use the buttons from the top buttons bar to Print , Add or Remove bands.