Panels default values

In the "Panels" section you can set default values for panels. Default values are used only when manually adding a new panel or when adding panels from stock. For imported or loaded data, default values do not apply.

Panels - Default values
Parts - Default values

Panels - Default values
  • Trims - sometimes, if panel margins are damaged, it may be useful to get a cutting layout for an area smaller than the panel itself.
    Setting trim values for panels will cause the optimization engine to consider the panel Length = Length - Left trim - Rigth trim and Width = Width - Top trim - Bottom trim. 
    Every new panel added manually or from stock will have its trim values set to the default trim values.

  • Material - specifies the default material type for new panels. Every new panel added manually will have its material set to the default material. Panels added from stock will retain their stock material.

The panels default values can be applied to the panels in the current job as well. To apply the panels default values to all panels in the current job click the "Apply default values..." button from the panels section and check the default values you would like to apply, as illustrated in the picture below:

Then click "OK". The selected default values will be applied to all panels in the current job.


  • Length - the length at which pre-cuts are to be made. When this value is higher than 0 the optimization engine will split the panel by adding pre-cuts at the specified length. Pre-cuts are added only along the length of the panel.